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Haifanggou Formation

Haifanggou Fm


Age Interval: 
Middle Jurassic, (TJ61)


Type Locality and Naming

The type section is located at the Haifanggou Village, Beipiao City, Liaoning Province. It was named by Beipiao Mining Bureau as the “Haifanggou Conglomerate” in 1961.

Synonym: (海房沟组)

Lithology and Thickness

It is composed chiefly of grey-yellow medium-bedded conglomerate, constituting many alternating layers together with the grey, grey-yellow and light-violet tuffaceous sandy shales and volcanic clastics, intercalated occasionally with intermediate-acidity lava and agglomerate. In the tuffaceous deposits there are often found thin coal beds or coal seams. It is with a thickness being in a range of about 654 m to 1400 m.

Lithology Pattern: 
Aus conglomerate

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

Its basal part is in a slight angular unconformity with the underlying Beipiao Fm

Upper contact

Regionally, the schematic strat column indicates the next younger unit as Tiaojishan Fm (Lanqi Fm).

Regional extent

It is distributed extensively in several large basins such as the Beipiao Basin, the Jilingsi-Yangshan Basin and the Guojiadian-Niuyingzi Basin in western Liaoning, with great changes in both its lithology and thickness from place to place. In the area of Dashuiquan, Changheyingzi Township, Beipiao City in the northern segment of the Jinlingsi-Yangshan Basin the formation represents a set of tuffaceous gritstone, pebble-bearing sandstone and andesitic conglomerate, intercalated with siltstone and mudstone, yielding abundant plant fossils, with a thickness of about 412 m; in the areas of Lamagou and Beiptaizi, Langtugou, Chaoyang County in the middle segment of the Jinlingsi-Yangshan Basin the present formation represents conglomerate, pebble-bearing sandstone and silty shale, yielding bivalve, fish, insect, plant and spore-pollen fossils, containing few volcanic materials, with a thickness of only 110 m; in the area of Shajingou till Pandaogou of Nanpiao Township, Jinxi City in the southern segment of the basin the formation represents two sets of normal sedimentary layers intercalated with one set of volcanic rocks and their clastics, and yields many kinds of animal and plant fossils, with a thickness of 887 m; in the area of Dizangsi, Yixian County within the Fuxin-Yixian Basin, the present formation contains only tuffaceous conglomerate, intercalated with sandy shale, yielding silicified wood, with a thickness of about 200-350 m. In the area of Guojiadian-Niuyingzi of Lingyuan County, the formation represents mainly a set of sandy conglomerates, intercalated with shale, coal beds and coal seams, yielding abundant animal, plant and sporo-pollen fossils, with a thickness of about 280-580 m.




It yields plant fossils in about 30 genera and more than 60 species, belonging to a middle-stage assemblage of the Coniopteris-Phoenicopsis flora. In addition, there are also found over 60 kinds of insects, whose representative members are: Sunoplecia liaoningensis, Arcus ovatus, Mesoneta antiqua, Mesobaetis sibirica, and Samarurua gigantean. In addition, there are found bivalve, Conchostracans and spore-pollen fossils.


Schematic strat column in the previous "red Chinese Lexicon" had implied that the Haifanggou Fm was Aalenian-Bajocian. Diying Huang (2019; Jurassic integrative stratigraphy and timescale of China. Science China: Earth Sciences, v. 62) re-assigns this Haifanggou Fm as Bathonian through mid-Oxfordian followed by a mid-Oxfordian to mid-Kimmeridgian Tiaojishan Fm (used here).

Age Span: 

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Depositional setting

The formation belongs to alluvial-fan and fluvial-lacustrine deposits associated with volcano-eruptive accumulations.

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Jingeng Sha (coordinator)